
“The teams with the better players win”

WRITTEN BY Felix Portier

ebooster.ch agence strategie marketing digital innovation formation recrutement portage placement talent

The topic of hiring talents is often talked about. But why is it actually so essential today (more than ever) ?

Today’s constantly fast moving world combined to VUCA (the combination of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) means that companies need to be able to adapt swiftly. In such conditions, innovation takes place faster than ever. And making the ability to do the right choices crucial.

Moreover, the ever-increasing appearance of new know-how and advanced tools forces us to learn quickly. In this complex environment, communication and interpersonal skills become more critical.

In a world where soft skills take precedence over “know-how”, it is clear that today “Talent” takes on its full meaning.

How do HR cope with this challenge?

We sometimes hear criticism of HR missions. In this context, they tend to be overloaded by daily urgencies and unexpected events (such as Covid, Energy issues etc.). As a result, this takes most of their time and attention, which can be detrimental to the hiring process and Talents selection.

The extremely fast digital evolution, and new generations of employees make that mission even more difficult. Employees having other values and considerations, hese two combined aspects offer an unprecedented challenge on HR teams.

In this context, the help of a Talent Advisor is highly useful, to identify and propose Talents profiles that reconciles the “business” and know-how needs, versus, the soft-skills requirements within a given company team situation.

This is where this quote from ex-CEO of General Electric Jack Welch makes sense:

“The teams with the better players win”.

And it is up to the Talent Acquisition Specialists to build the best teams.

eBooster.ch is a consulting agency with proven records of global innovation projects across several international industries in the fields of 1. Consulting 2. Academy 3. HR Talent

Felix Portier

Félix coordinates and animates the Training Academy, as well as the Talents for International Organizations. Key skills: public speaking, negotiating skills, talent advisor, drive operations, client relationship, international relations.
felix ebooster.ch agence strategie marketing digital innovation formation recrutement portage placement talent
ebooster.ch agence strategie marketing digital innovation formation recrutement portage placement talent

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