
🌟 The revelation of hidden talents 🌟


Talent unique ebooster.ch recrutement placement portage

In the realm of talent acquisition, #recruitment agencies have a well-kept advantage. Their ability to access Talent across all industries. But especially, those who are not actively looking for a job. Nor even listening to the market.

It all starts with #trust.

🤝 Strong relationships

We invest considerable time cultivating our relationships with our Talents and Clients. These connections go far beyond job offers. They encompass a full understanding of their long-term goals, aspirations and interests.

🔮 Anticipation of needs and confidentiality

By knowing Talents and companies in all their complexity, we anticipate future career movements and recruitments. This long-term vision is the result of many years of experience. Thanks to this expertise, we are able to present Talents with opportunities in line with their aspirations. She also helps us find THE position and the company in which they will flourish. At the same time, for companies, it allows us to build a talent pool in complete confidentiality.

🌐 The power of AI

Added to this is our intelligent platform with an analysis of our talent pool, precisely identifying the perfect match of Talents for each position. It’s not just about keywords; it’s about understanding the intricacies of each candidate’s background and personality.

Because fortunately… We are not just keywords!

But the benefits of AI are undeniable

1️⃣ #Speed and #precision: by accelerating the recruitment process while improving the quality of matching.
2️⃣ #Diversity & #inclusion: eliminating bias and promoting diversity through decision-making based on reliable data.
3️⃣ #Cost savings: by reducing costs linked to long recruitment processes and turnover.

eBooster.ch brings together hidden Talents and businesses. We are not just job providers, we are growth partners.

#Trust and #Technology are the keys that unlock the door to untapped potential.

✓You are recruiting ?

Let’s meet for a demonstration of our new Talent platform!

eBooster.ch by Alexandre Wehrlin

#Recruitment #Placement #Talent #TalentAcquisition #Talentacquisition #AI #CareerEvolution #eboosterTalent

Pauline LAMPEL

Pauline manages, coordinates and leads the monitoring of development projects, as well as the Talents department. Key skills: Drive operations, client relations, process, digital strategy, business development, Talent management
Pauline ebooster.ch agence strategie marketing digital innovation formation recrutement portage placement talent
ebooster.ch agence strategie marketing digital innovation formation recrutement portage placement talent

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